Sat, Apr 01
3-Day Mustang Spectacular with Anna Twinney
*This clinic is currently FULL for participants & will be taking names to put on our waitlist. The numbers of auditors remains unlimited.* Join the incomparable, world-famous Master Mustang Gentler Anna Twinney for three days of instruction and education on the inner world and language of mustangs.
Time & Location
Apr 01, 2023, 9:00 AM – Apr 03, 2023, 6:00 PM
Kiowa, 18590 Wedemeyer Rd, Kiowa, CO 80117, USA
About the event
Register as an auditor for this awesome 3-day clinic with international horsewoman and master mustang gentler Anna Twinney! Participant spots are limited, but auditor spots can be purchased in unlimited quantities.
Over the course of the clinic, you will learn about our Mustangs and their nature, be introduced to the Reach Out To Horses gentling methods, and have an opportunity to learn how to advance beyond gentling all the way to colt start preparations.
You will learn about:
- the importance of body language
- the enormous impact that your level of awareness has on working with and being around your horses
- the conversations that take place with our horses before we even get a halter on them
- achieving first touch
- desensitization
- accepting first halter
- grooming
- working with legs and feet
- leading
- and more!
Bring your questions and philosophical queries as well. Anna is always up for a discussion about what methods are best for the horses and why. Her methodology is permission-based, which ultimately leads to trust-based partnerships with our favorite equine friends.
This is a truly unique opportunity to support For the Love of Aria and the mustangs we are helping transition to domestication.
Days run from 9 am to 6 pm, with a short lunch break somewhere around the middle of the day. Come prepared to be astounded by watching a master mustang gentler work with Aria's horses in a completely silent but entirely connected way.
*As an added bonus, Anna has agreed to give participants an exclusive, inside look into the silent and secret world of animal communication! Please join us the evening prior to the start of the clinic for three hours of intuitive experience that will prove to be wild and just the start you need to prepare you to understand the communication that will take place during the 3-day mustang clinic. If you wish to attend the Evening of Animal Communication as part of your entire Reach Out to Horses experience, please let us know when you register.*
Cost for the 3-Day Mustang Spectacular is $750 Early Bird Special from now until March 1st. After March 1st, it is $800 for the 3-day clinic.
To add the Evening of Animal Communication to your clinic package, it will be an additional cost of $50, bringing your total to $800 before March 1st and $850 thereafter.
To audit this 3-day clinic, the cost is $75 for the first day and $50 for each day thereafter, for a total of $175 for the 3-day auditor package. If you need to make other arrangements to only audit some of the days, please mention this to Sharon at the time of your registration, and she will accommodate your needs.
Please reach out to Lacey Knight for more information or to register.
Call: 720-320-1169
Email: fortheloveofaria19@gmail.com